Mr. B's
Virtual Counseling Center

Hi Huskies & Parents! 

Mr. B here. I'm the new counselor at Encinal - welcome to my virtual counseling center!
My goal for this space is to have plenty of resources to help you. :)
Check back in here for some updates as the school year goes on.
Browse using the top right links or scroll through them below!

Contact Information: 

Encinal: (530) 695-5458
District Cell: (530) 434-8651
IG: @EncinalCounseling


Important Dates:
4/20 - Parents Club Meeting -  2:45pm
4/21 - 7th/8th grade digital citizenship  - 12:45
4/22 - SSC meeting - 7:45am
5/03 - 6th grade field trip
5/17 - Parents Club Meeting - 2:45pm
5/19 - SSC Meeting - 7:45am
5/23 - Band Concert
5/24 - AR Goal Due
5/25 - AR Party
5/26 - 8th grade goes to Sunsplash!
5/29 - No School - Memorial Day
5/30 - 8th grade promotion
6/01 - Last Day of School - Minimum Day

*Check Mrs. Monica's "Paw News" in the cafeteria for more important dates!

Check Mr. B's Bulletin Board in the cafeteria for updates on resources, character trait of the month and contests!

Congratulations to our first ever winner of our Encinal Mario Kart tournament
- Sophia H! 👏🏼

Second tournament between all the finalists yielded a new winner - Mateo A!

Encinal is a Kindness Certified School for 2023!

District wide, each school site will be focusing on a different character trait each month to promote character development.

May's Trait of the Month!



Creativity is being able to invent or produce new and original things. 

Quote:                                      “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” 

-Maya Angelou

Weekly Question:       Who is a person you know that has shown creativity? How have they done so?

There will be a weekly question about the monthly character trait on the white board in room 7.
Write down your answer to the question and turn into Mr. B for a chance to earn a Husky Card! 🐾 

No Hungry Child Flyer.pdf

For more information about our district's "Share Cart", check out the video. The "Share Cart" benefits our "LOUSD No Hungry Child" program.

Put your creative skills to work & win scholarship money!

Mariana- Fall 2021 ETS Recruitment Flyer.pdf

The 1-minute Secret to Forming a New Habit
Here is the video that was showcased on this week's "Motivation Monday" post on our Instagram (@lomscounseling)!